Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

samedi, mai 28, 2005

Thumping and the rest


met the gallbladders on thurs and we went to thumpers where it was ladies's night. managed to get in despite the new age limit of 23 though the bouncer had half a mind to turn us away cos qy and i looked too young. well next time i'll ditch my specs, k. probably should have done that ages ago too. first thing i went in, the bartender threw sth at me. no, he wasn't rude; he was my coursemate last sem! what a coincidence. the music was loud and good and the crowd, tame. had vodka sprite/coke/ribena and lychee and watermelon martini. the watermelon one tasted a little funny. the others were just alcoholic. went off rather early so that we wouldn't get robbed by cab companies later.

math and sci day

the kids were a real terror.

i got paid to read sense and sensibility for 2 hours before i got to do work. but once work started, i was shouting over the din and chaos for 2-3 hours non-stop. wow, was i hoarse after that. some kids are really quite intelligent and lovable, others are the anti-thesis: mischievious and cannot care less. some students are just natural leaders; others can only help behind the scenes, quite at a loss as how to explain and handle a simple situation.

but nonetheless, the teachers had love enough for all of them to be friendly, approachable and caring. they take pains to organise activities for them and persuade the children to do their best and help themselves. it was end of term, and parents came to school to understand how their children are doing. they too have so much love for the children.

it was a day that really opened my eyes.
i don't think i have enough love and fortitute to teach and guide kids. maybe just sufficient to handle my own children.
to all teachers: i salute you.

safra yishun

went to shoot there for the first time with a compressed air gun. it was totally different from shooting at cdans.


my type of guy.

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