Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mercredi, mai 11, 2005

Totally Productive!

I had the most productive day today. Yea, I woke up late and spent the whole day plus half the afternoon on "Angels and Demons", only breaking to cook maggie mee for lunch. I actually meant to go jogging but I couldn't wake up early enough and now it looks like it's gonna rain. So I guess I'll go tomorrow. Which means I better sleep early tonight!

I emailed *** about an attachment after I finish NUSIS. Let's hope the reply is favorable. *cross fingers* Now that I am gainfully unemployed, I'm trying to look busy and be helpful around the house so that I don't get nagged at. Argh. It's not that I don't want to work. But now my time is quite screwed up. Oh, I'll just volunteer for every single NUSIS thing.

Garbage has a new album! I'll get it after I start earning. Or when I get the pay for my TA stint. Ach, overdue!

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