Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

samedi, mai 21, 2005


Shooting is a very disciplined activity.

You need to know when to put down the gun and not fire off. When the action is not right; when the sights are not correct; when the stance is wrong; when your wrist is not locked; when you are swaying. And many other things.

You need to know when to pause for a while and not continue shooting more shots. When your grouping starts opening up; when your arm is screaming in fatigue; when you start to see a galaxy forming on your target card.

Shooting is just like doing an mcq exam. You may not know then answer immediately when you read the question and the subsequent options. So you circle the question. You pause and read the question and options again. You answer only when you are quite certain that that is the correct answer.

So you fire off when you know that it is going to be a good shot.

You don't have to fire off the first time you lift the pistol and look through the sights. You can take 2 tries, 5 tries or even 10 tries if you want. You want to land a good shot.

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