Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mardi, mai 17, 2005


I missed a call from the job agency today because my phone was on silent and I was preoccupied with vacuum cleaner at that time. When I discovered the missed call half an hour later, I called back but no one answered. *sigh*

I am supposed to be Miss Go-Get-it-Girl! today, so I resolved to call Ms C to ask whether she got my resume. But I got the answering machine both times. *sigh* Now I think I've lost my nerve! Popo. I think I'll call tomorrow morning. Maybe she has a errand that took her out of the office today.

I finally took jade's advice and asked. Now I'm in a dilemma. Is it better to work for free at the school labs (and make my cv more impressive) or to work as some trashy thing so that I'll have money for a laptop?

Personally I want very much to enhance my cv. I think that will be more valuable in the long run. But then this decision also depends on whether *** wants me. Argh, so many things are hinged on that! I'll go ask the gallbladders what they think when I meet them for dinner later.

Some good news though. I have been hired for one more day next week! Geherher. Now I'm supposed to think of something for a demonstration at a Chemistry booth for the school's science fair (or something). Any ideas anyone?

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