Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

samedi, mars 04, 2006

Along the river

I really do hate Fridays.

It is mostly because Muscle and Exercise is such a dreadful module. The lectures really do not interest me the least and having been lost through the first half of the module doesn't help matters. Then there are 3 lectures per session: that makes 2 plus hours of something I can't stand. Painful! When I get the lecture handouts, I first flip to see how many pages I would have to endure. The lousy, cramped basement LT just makes everything worse. Because Muscle and Exercise is held at Guy's, which is 2 minutes from my hall, if there's nothing on after class, I'll just go school-have bad lecture-eat packed lunch-go home. There is zilch to look forward to.

I felt SO stifled today that I had to get out and go somewhere.

I think I left pw a bit bewildered.

I decided to take a walk along the river since the weather was reasonably happy. Also, I would be away from grey buildings, the narrow uneven streets and the polluted roads. (Now I know why our nation's founding father ordered so many trees planted along the roads!)

The long stroll did me good.

I stopped to look at the scene on the river. I noticed things I missed before. I heard the river lapping the banks: the quiet sound was lovely. When I hit the small square on northern end of Southwark Bridge, it began to snow! White fluffs descended from the heavens and danced and swirled in the gentle wind. The brilliant winter sun caught these flitting specks in its light as they whirled away onto the river. It was really really pretty. This description doesn't do the picture justice; a poem would be more romantic... but I'm no poet. I didn't have my camera with me or I would have attempted a video. But then again, I find that I generally become blind and unobservant when I become trigger happy.

I turned back at St Paul's Cathedral and crossed my favourite Millenium Bridge. And promptly fell in love the spot in front of Tate Modern. I hadn't noticed how pleasant it is before. When the temperature and wind drop their bite and winter release its grip on this country, I WILL bring a good book and sit there for an afternoon.


To end off a good afternoon, I returned to my room for hot coffee and a good read. (No, not scientific papers on gap junctions.) What would I do without books!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

ya lah ya lah.. got time to walk and got nice scenery bleh.