Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

dimanche, mars 26, 2006

First day of Easter Break

It's been a totally nuah day today.

7.15 am: Woke up.
7.30 am: Skipping, crunches, push-ups.
8.20ish am: Shower.
9.00ish am: Breakfast (wholemeal bread, Lady Grey tea) cum reading.
9.30ish am: Wash up; Laundry.
10.00ish am: Household maintenance (ok, I tightened the raffia rope that I hang things from; it was beginning to sag in the middle).
10.30ish am: Went online for a while.
11.15ish am: Got fq's call to get my ass down to pw's kitchen to make mee hoon kueh.
11.30ish am: Got my ass down to pw's kitchen to make mee hoon kueh. Had mee hoon kueh. Wash up.
1 plus pm: Adjourned to pw's room to play bridge.
3.40 pm: Left for Borough Market. They all wanted scallop. But we got there too late and found the scallop stall only when the stall holder was washing up. fq and sh were very disappointed. I got a scone; pw a slice of loaf cake and fq chocolates from cranberry.
5.30ish pm: Got back to pw's room to eat M&S trifle and talk.
7.00 pm: Left for dinner at Melati, a restaurant doing Singaporean and Malaysian cuisine.
8.00 pm: Reached Melati.
8.15ish pm: Began eating (curry chicken, sotong in indonesian sauce, kangkong and tauhu goreng with steamed/coconut rice)
8.45 pm: Finished eating.
9.00ish pm: Went into Costa to nuah somemore. Ended up with 1 cup of coffee among the 4 of us. Then we all settled down to read newspapers for the better part of the hour. Haha.
10.00 pm: Made our way to Leicester Square to take tube.
10.50ish pm: Got back in my room.

Now I shall go shower and then will hit the sack when my hair is reasonably dry. Can hardly keep my eyes open now!

The clocks go forward at 1.00 pm tomorrow to British Summer Time (aka Daylight Saving Time). What fun!

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