Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mardi, mars 28, 2006

Trips out

Last Week: National History Museum

Good weather that day! Wonder if the tree got tricked to throw out her blossoms; these few days it's been raining non-stop. Anyway, very pretty.

The museum from the outside...

and the dinosaur on the inside!

The place is really big, just like the British Museum. We only went through selected bits, including the dinosaur exhibit! How can we miss that. We had to tear our eyes away from the display cases in the Minerals and Rocks hall to get to the meteorites at the end. That hall is really nicely done up and the amazing display of rocks will make Mrs Chua (my sec 3 geog teacher) faint.

Today: Covent Garden, St James' Park, Buckingham Palace, Victoria

My Ben's cookie at Covent Garden. It's white chocolate with cranberry: there were WHOLE cranberries, not bits of fruit.

St. James' Park: my first visit to a UK park. Really beautiful. When more flowers bloom as spring marches along, it will be even more breathtaking.

Buckingham Palace: actually not very spectacular but the gorgeous blue sky makes up for it.

Right next to the Palace is The Royal Mews, where the horses that draw the Royal family's carriages stay. We were lucky to see not one, but two carriages pass by!

The weather turned very gloomy in the afternoon and it alternated between raging rains and hail for a while. After the violent period, it settled for a sort of drizzly grey. A girl actually threw her umbrella at the side of the road because she got so frustrated by the wind turning the brolly inside out.


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