Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

dimanche, février 05, 2006

Warning: Verbal Diarrhoea ahead

Ok, it's time for the mega post of the week! Now haven't all of you been waiting with bated breath! *shameless laugh*

Reunion Dinner

This was a grand affair, at least cooking and preparation-wise, though the results certainly didn't look it. Heh. pw and I went up to the Oriental City at Colindale (all the way in zone 4!) to get the ingredients first before meeting fq after her frisbee session. Then off we trooped to her place to unleash our culinary prowess.

We planned to cook 4 dishes to feed 5 people. So pw set to work preparing the soup and her favourite meatballs. I was supposed to cook the Chinese Cabbage and the seafood japalang because I have no speciality to speak of. After 2 over hours of labour in the sub-zero kitchen (ok, maybe not sub-zero, but it was pretty cold), this was the result:

And here's a close up of the dishes I made:

I think our dishes went down quite well with all those present. They certainly ate everything up and didn't die of food poisoning later. Heh. The greatest irony of the night was that tofu that pw used in the soup came from good ol' Singapore! Ach. It was manufactured in Senoko South (so near my place!) and then flown all the way to the UK. Tsk tsk luxury tofu.

Here's a lousy photo of the group at reunion dinner. I haven't got the good ones from pw yet. From left to right: Chris (fq's M'sian-HK-Australian frisbee friend), bb (my crazy friend), fq (whom I have seen more in this one month than the past 3 years), moi and pw on the floor.

After dinner, we talked, ate junk food, washed up, watched weird flash videos, took turns to bathe, talked stuff, (Chris went to sleep), called home, (fq went to bed), played cards and then all went to sleep.

New Year

The next day, pw and I went to Trafalgar Square and Chinatown to join the rest of the UK in CNY celebrations. There was a large performance a la River Hongbao and there was to be a parade and fireworks. We only caught the performance though, because we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After a while I started sneaking photos of couples and kids in my vicinty and paying less attention to the stage. Haha, I like the couple picture cos it looks very sweet. As in this little spot of sweetness in the sea of people.

After the performance we went off for a spot of food in Burger King and then we got back. So that's that, my first CNY overseas.

The Rest of the Week

For the rest of the week, nothing very much happened. We went to school and did normal things.

On Thursday, we waddled to Chinatown to get my phonecard. We went to look around in a supermarket and I succumbed to temptation to buy Wang Wang Xue Bing. Haha I will savour it slowly. On the way home though, we spied a shop selling Chinese pastry and yet again we succumbed. This one was pretty quick. We saw the shop, looked at the prices, went in and decided. pw got walnut cookie and sesame ball; I got Old Wife's Biscuit. Haha, I like.

On Friday, pw, ld and I went to fq's church for her youth fellowship CNY gathering. It was potluck and there was loads of good food. fq made black glutinious rice dessert. And there was cha shao and there was this nice oven-cooked chicken and five-spice salmon (this combi is rather interesting, yes) and a very nice mixed veggie dish. And there was a ton of very nice chocolates! Marks and Spencer Mini Chocolate Rolls... yum.. And orange cordial and sprite is a very good combi. Very.

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