Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mardi, février 28, 2006

Beautiful Bath

Went to Bath Spa over the weekend. It is a beautiful beautiful place. As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. So I shall let my pictures do the talking. Alas, there could have been more, had my camera batt been more cooperative. Must be the cold! Moral of the story: lug the charger around!

1st Day: 25 Feb

On the National Express Coach to Bath

The River Avon

The Royal Crescent at Sunset

This is my favouritest place in Bath. I need a helicopter to do the view justice.

Caramel Apples!!
I SO wanted to eat it. Yes yes, it's just an apple coated with caramel and chocolate bits. But looks sell! But I didn't la. Haha, the rational mind was still stronger.

2nd Day: 26 Feb

The Roman Baths

My Sally Lunn Bun with Lemon Curd

This is not any old bun ok! It's a must-eat at Bath. Comes with many toppings.

The Abbey

Along Sydney Place (where houses are a million pounds each o.O)

Jane Austen stayed in one of the houses around this area too when she visited Bath in her time.

Really idyllic way to spend a weekend! *bliss*

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