Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

vendredi, février 17, 2006

Dinner, milk-thieves and Hailstones

Dinner on Wednesday was a cheery affair. Peiwen unleashed her herbs and cooked 六味汤 for us. It took her 2 hours at the stove babying 9 drumsticks in 2 pots. I contributed by slicing up a mountain of baby cabbage (and in the process generated many red shreds of IKEA cutting board) and cooking them till soft. Or as soft as I could get them.

Dinner is served!

After the main courses, we ate grapes (that Lian Dee bought) and oranges (that pw wanted to get rid of) and chocolates (that I saved! the minibites! XD). When we were done, Lian Dee said, "这样才像样!" Heh, yes, she's getting sick of lousy Brit hall food.

Someone's been drinking my milk! Not just once, mind you. At least twice. The first time I thought I was mistaken. But this morning I made a note of the milk level and then checked it during dinner. It was definitely lower. The bottle certainly didn't drink it!

Having a thief around is quite terrible. People are also losing crockery. It's really bizarre. Hallo, if you borrow stuff, at least have to decency to ask and then wash and return right. Don't pile them up in your room and take a new one everytime. How rude.

On a totally unrelated note, I experienced HAILSTONES today! How exciting is that I ask you! One moment it was pattering raindrops and the next it was ice chips! pw realised it first when she felt pain when the stones hit her. Then she grabbed my hand and we ran for the bus stop. The hailstones were small, thankfully, less than 1 cm across. It stopped stoning (haha) after a while and reverted to rain. That put an end to our plans to go Chinatown. So we caught RV1 home. THEN, the sun came out and it became brilliantly bright. Talk about unpredictable weather!

Anyway it was a good decision to come home. Because although the sun came out, the wind was still up and it was rather cold. pw's down with flu already, she doesn't need more aggravation.

On the way back, we saw Starbucks giving out free coffee at London Bridge. This man strapped a tank of coffee to his back and there was a hose connected to the tank to pipe coffee out. It was rather interesting to watch!

On yet another unrelated note, the queue outside the Dungeon is really nuts. Is it that good? Maybe it's just the holidays.

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