Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

jeudi, juin 01, 2006

Just a quick one

Zong zi doesn't exist here! So sad. I think Hong Kongers probably don't eat it cos when pw asked one of her HK coursemates, she hadn't even heard of them before! We scoured the all the restaurants and dim sum places and the closest they had was mini glutinous rice wrapped in lotus leaf. Which turned out to be lo mai kai in lotus leaf. We had jap food for lunch instead.

Heh, then ld and I went shopping along Long Acre. But I didn't buy anything. I was greatly amazed that H & M (and possibly other stores) allow customers to take up to 10 garments into the changing room. 10!

Ok off to top up my oyster. The next time I blog I would have a Korean lunch under my belt!

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