Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mercredi, mai 31, 2006

Yada yada...

That was for pictures. Now it's for rant. Haha.

Today is the last day of studying! Woohoo~ Last paper tomorrow and then I'll be officially on holiday! Happy. Will be going out to Chinatown to eat zong zi after the exam, with pw and ld and fq. Cos it will be the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. I wonder whether the dumplings will be different. Do the Hongkong people eat a different kind of dumplings from Singaporeans? Well, I'll find out tomorrow! Can't wait.

I've just finished what I wanted to study and I'll just need to look through the more important stuff again afterwards and before the paper. Actually I was super distracted today and I spent much of the afternoon looking out of the window and squinting at every plane and helicopter that flew past. Haha. And yes, needless to say I tried to take pictures. But I shan't waste your time showing you. Hahaha.

I cracked my glasses! How amazing right. They fell smack onto the bathroom floor when I dropped them just now. Luckily I have another pair.

On Thursday, pw and I are going for lunch at a korean restaurant with Eunsun and Felicia. My first outing with people I live with! *gasp* pw's a lot more experienced on this front; she's been out for 2 dinners with her floor people already. It'll be the first time I try korean food as well. Can you believe that I have not been to Seoul Gardens? Well, I haven't!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.