Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mercredi, juin 07, 2006

All the King's (Queen's) Men...

Horse Guard at Whitehall:

"Toy Soldiers" at Buckingham Palace:

... ok ok, sentries at guard boxes.

Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace:

Spent an hour squashed up against the Palace gates to catch this (and many video snippets). The Military Band played Abba! Haha. The whole thing was quite entertaining.

Serendipitiously, caught the rehearsals of a "Military Spectacular" at Horse Guard Parade when I went back to St James's Park to get flower pictures:

The little old lady near me was so happy to have caught it as well. It was "fantastic" and she had "a lovely afternoon". How very English!

My trophy photo for today:

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