Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

lundi, janvier 09, 2006

In the UK

I've put up a grand total of 6 photos on flickr so far. The scarcity can be attributed to the fact that I have not gone sightseeing at all in the almost-one week here and also that my pics are gigantic while my internet connection is slow. So bear with me. I try to put up pics that are a bit more representative. Haha.

I spend massive amounts of time buying groceries, cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. it is really quite amazing. Now I realise how much my mum does at home for all of us. I mean, I had time to bored and watch nonsense tv. Now I have watched like 30 mins in the entire week and that is only because we went to FQ's place where there is a tv. I don't think I'll ever go to the common room to watch it. Will just stay online when I'm in the room, haha.

School will start soon, so I guess there'll be proper things to do then. I've bought this gigantic writing pad (200 sheets) from the student union shop (yes they run a shop, not like NUSSU) for 99p. Quite a bargain I think. It's almost cheaper than paper at home. But that is an exception, I tell you. Stuff here is popo expensive. Next time I'll holiday in Thailand or sth. Then I'll feel better. I haven't really gotten the hang of converting the the numbers in the Sg equivalent yet, so I can still think stuff is cheap when they cost less than 1 pound. But then that is already like $3. Ah, got to curb my expenditure.

Looks like a good day today; there is actually sun. Good! Cos I'll be walking a lot today.

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