Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

vendredi, août 04, 2006


The more I sat, the more tired I felt.

The more I read (whether it is a novel, a reference book, a scientific paper or even newspapers), the more tired I felt.

The more I did nothing, the more tired I felt.

But. The moment I put on my running shoes and step out for a jog, I feel awake. Alive. Happy! I'm so glad I discovered running. The wind (if there is wind) in my face, the sun (if there is sun) on my skin... but most of all the clarity of mind that inevitably comes along.

I like running at the neighbourhood stadium. More so than at the track in school or on a treadmill somewhere indoors. At the public stadium, I get to see people of all ages and from all walks of life. Interesting! (There was a cute kid today; his grandpa took him out for fresh air. He's really cute, haha, like small kids are. And pretty agile and fearless!)

It suddenly struck me as I was running that much as I like research and lab and academia (or maybe I think I like, haha), I don't think I'll survive if that is the only thing in my life. I need to get out and work something other than my brain!

So. I want to run!

And I also want to shoot!

For as long as I can. Heh.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Totally agreed :) To top it up, being able to immerse my brain or rather myself into a pool of water and swim b4 n after a run certainly adds to the joy of working out!! heh