Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

jeudi, juillet 13, 2006

doing nothing

random madness.

i've not been up to much lately. does trying to read count? managed absorb some basic details about the bacterial T4SS and some stuff about a protein. some consolation i guess. well, i've put a stop to this inefficient mode of working: i'll be going to lab tomorrow! yay. decided that it's better to get my hands dirty first. being confounded in lab will probably be fresh impetus to read more. just reading with no aim is, frankly, difficult.

did have 2 bad dreams over 3 nights though. in vivid detail. that i still remember. brain on overdrive to compensate for lack of activity in the day? maybe.

ach. my bestest friend has gone abroad. it's not that we see each other a great deal. but knowing that we are on the same island is a good feeling. well, she probably felt the same when i ran off at the beginning of the year. heh. now to rely on the wonders of technology i guess.

ok, going off the gallivant in town. actually i'm hoping to find a cd at hmv. wish me luck.

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Hi Aleshia! Really happy that you like what I'm writing =) I'm a Life Sciences major, in my last year now.

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Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.