Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

lundi, janvier 22, 2007

Hogfather (1)

By a grand stroke of serendipity, I found out that Sky One, a TV channel in the UK made a film based on Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather".


Ok, that was an understatement of how excited I was. I was first clued in that there was a film adaptation when I followed a link to the website of Paul Kidby, official illustrator for Pratchett. First I saw the 2007 calendar featuring the (human) cast and then I found the illustrated screenplay.

So I googled around and discovered that Sky One made the 2-part film for Christmas release last year. (Sidetrack: how come our TV stations don't make quality things like this? I think I've seen as many CNY variety shows as I am old.)

Briefly, the Father Christmas figure of Discworld, Hogfather, goes missing on the eve of Hogswatch. If he isn't found by daybreak, it would result in the end of the world. In order that things may be set right, Death (my favourite character in the series) takes his place to distribute presents to children around the world while his granddaughter, Susan tries to find out what happened.

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