Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

vendredi, novembre 03, 2006

Discontent and ennui - the bane of my life.

Yes, isn't it amazing? I actually have time to be bored. While other people are worrying about lab and term papers and CAs, I have time to visit library (the National Library, mind you) and read FICTION. Haha.

I am terribly bored.

I must say this semester has to be my slackest ever. Strange but true. Only 3 modules: 1 straightforward and not difficult, 1 is not straightforward but doesn't have much content anyway and the last is straightforward, could be difficult but have gone through one round of CA. So, my conclusion is that I don't have much to worry about. Also, lab is quite own-time-own-target and I've been assured that I'm well on the way, so that's that.

It's not that I have NOTHING to do. It's just that what I should be doing basically involves reading academic stuff. Only. Off the computer screen, no less. Very unattractive prospect. If I knuckle down to do it, I could be:

(1) reading papers about mitotic misregulation and ageing and about Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome vs Werner's Progeria as models for ageing
(2) reading papers about the SLC22A group of organic cation transporters in the kidney
(3) reading papers about complexes involved in protein trafficking in yeast
(4) reading papers about tandem affinity purification
(5) reading papers about... sorry, I got carried away. But you get my drift.

Argh. I don't like reading pdf files on the computer! But I can't possibly print everything out. Too wasteful.

I could read about applying to grad schools. But it's more reading off the computer screen too. And the prospective information overload is not exactly something I look forward to. Bleah.

(Sidetrack: the GRE PowerPrep software arrived in the mail yesterday... after I've taken the test AND received my results. Well done!)

I need to DO something. And not just sit around and read things.

The sun outside makes me want to go to the beach. Bad.

Oh yes, I had the most fantastic thought yesterday, haha. It just struck me that my ultimate (unattainable) fantasy is to be an Esprit mannequin. Then I can wear all the latest collections without having to spend a cent. The downside is, of course, I would have to be dressed in public AND I'll have no head. hahahahahaha.

Well, I said it was a fantasy.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

well. my fantasy is flying.

THAT's normal.
