Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

vendredi, novembre 17, 2006

Cavemen died

In this day and age, it is my firm belief that sheer brute force has no place in our lives anymore.

Speaking loudly doesn't make you more reasonable. Nor does it mean that you are confident. You just look dumb when you are talking to someone sitting about 30 cm away from you.

It's just really annoying when there is loads of noise that doesn't serve any purpose.

Maybe the person who's speaking is hard of hearing. Ok ok, if you look old and you speak loudly, I'll give you the benefit of doubt.

If you deserve attention, you don't have to demand it. People will pay attention to you. If you demand attention when there is none to be given, then you are just wasting your energy. Hah. I have no sympathy for you then.

Being aggressive and forceful is not going to win you your point when you are clearly in the wrong. So just take your energy and go clean up your house/drawer/desk. That is at least constructive.

That you can exert great force, whether through yakking at glass-shattering decibels or punching through ten metres of concrete, doens't mean much. It doesn't even show any skill.

It is when you can control yourself, speaking and acting appropriately such that your point gets across and people respect you, that it is truly impressive.

Didn't the cavemen all die out a long time ago.

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