Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

dimanche, décembre 04, 2005


i wish that either no one i know reads this blog or loads of pple i know read this blog. but as it stands now, exactly one person i know read it.

some time back someone (a stranger) left me a comment and i was really happy abt it. but the link he left couldnt be found on blogger, and so that was that.

the reason i am glad that strangers read my blog is that then i feel like i can rant abt anything i want and still feel detached abt it. and that is also why i didnt publicise this url to my circle of friends. but then again, i will be doing that soon, so that pple will know what i'm up to in london. ah but that's for the future.

anyway, as the title says: garr.
as usual i feel totally incompetent after reading the blogposts of my more gungho friends. why am i not as gungho. i throw up my hands in exasperation. garr. the matter of the honours yr proj is just eating me up but i have totally no clue as to how to make it stop. ok, i suppose talking to profs would help. but how to talk intelligently when i have no clue. bah. ok at least i know i can tag along with pw when she makes her rounds of profs. thanks my friend... if you ever read this. am i glad that you are going london with me.

it's crappy la. i am truly a product of the singaporean education system. obedient, conscientious, mediocre and quiet. to a FAULT. what the. bah. and you'll have to add that to my character as well. i cant stand it. i know, i know. all i have to do is to speak out. cos i think i have enough wits not to sound stupid. but how do you undo ten over years of ingraining. i can only do it when i'm around pple i'm used to and close to. and that basically is the biggest problem isnt it. cos we all start out as strangers.


1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Yup, n the person u know, not a stranger, is leaving u a comment... ha... well, u can still go ahead w ranting whatever u wish... i find it rather interesting to read abt ur blog actually... do continue updating it :)