Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

mercredi, mai 31, 2006

Yada yada...

That was for pictures. Now it's for rant. Haha.

Today is the last day of studying! Woohoo~ Last paper tomorrow and then I'll be officially on holiday! Happy. Will be going out to Chinatown to eat zong zi after the exam, with pw and ld and fq. Cos it will be the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. I wonder whether the dumplings will be different. Do the Hongkong people eat a different kind of dumplings from Singaporeans? Well, I'll find out tomorrow! Can't wait.

I've just finished what I wanted to study and I'll just need to look through the more important stuff again afterwards and before the paper. Actually I was super distracted today and I spent much of the afternoon looking out of the window and squinting at every plane and helicopter that flew past. Haha. And yes, needless to say I tried to take pictures. But I shan't waste your time showing you. Hahaha.

I cracked my glasses! How amazing right. They fell smack onto the bathroom floor when I dropped them just now. Luckily I have another pair.

On Thursday, pw and I are going for lunch at a korean restaurant with Eunsun and Felicia. My first outing with people I live with! *gasp* pw's a lot more experienced on this front; she's been out for 2 dinners with her floor people already. It'll be the first time I try korean food as well. Can you believe that I have not been to Seoul Gardens? Well, I haven't!

Scones and Bank Holiday

First up, my scones from last week. Don't they look yummy? I'm so proud of my first baking attempt. Heh. Maybe if I can't find a job, I can set up shop to sell delectable scones to people. And I'll import clotted cream from Bath to eat them with!

Then this was taken yesterday when I went for a walk. It was bank holiday, so the riverside was just teeming with people. The picture shows the Tower of London and then the Gherkin is in the background.

After I got back, it rained a bit and this was taken from my window. I was clambering on my table trying to find nice combinations of raindrops, haha. I wouldn't mind working as a photographer or a photo-journalist; I really do like photography!

Then in the evening there were fireworks. But then this time they were at the St Paul's Cathedral side instead of the Tower Bridge side, so Guy's Tower (that's the hospital block of Guy's Hospital, behind which I live) was right in the way. You can see the edge of some sparks and loads of the smoke. I was so frustrated as I stood in the stairwell listening to the muffled booming in the distance. I think this had happened before, but the last time I didn't see anything at all, even from the stairwell. People living in the flats wing would have had a good view though. And oh, it looks like evening, but that's the sky at 10pm. Heh, that's summer in the northern hemisphere for you.

vendredi, mai 26, 2006

take a break! (have a kit kat!)

I've been taking a break from my books since the end of yesterday's paper. Now it's 4 down and 1 to go; the last one's Developmental Biology and it's on the 31st. So discounting my holiday today, I have 5 days to study enough to write 3 essays out of 8. Heh, definitely sufficient time... so much so that ld's going to gallivant off to Brussels for the weekend! Tsk tsk, this 8 choose 3 business really doesn't encourage learning. Hah, in NUS it's more likely to be 8 choose 6 or 6 choose 4. That will force people to study!

So while off my books, I tried my hand at baking scones, my favourite confectionary of all time. Haha, it was a grand success! fq and ld came over and while fq languished with pack of tortillas, pw, ld and I whacked up the dough and stuck the scones into the over in less than an hour. And the actual baking only took 15-20 minutes. pw declared the scones better than Grandchester and ld was muchly pleased with her first encounter with this yummy delight. fq was rather filled up with tortillas by this time, but she still said they were good. Me, I ate like 2 of them! I like!

With all the flour and baking powder and all on hand, we made pancakes and then omelettes after the scones, wrapping up dinner with all the stuff that we should be eating at breakfast. Heh. Then we had trifle. Wahaha. An evening of good food! (So, now for a week of moderation, hahaha). Happy.

This morning we went grocery shopping and then I spent the afternoon springcleaning my room. Now I'm hungry, so I shall go and cook dinner already. Programme for tonight? Bridget Jones 2: The Edge of Reason. If my comp can play it!

mercredi, mai 24, 2006

From my window

dimanche, mai 21, 2006

random ranting

muscle and exercise has got to be the worst module i've ever taken. the notes are lousy and uninformative, the lecturers are lousy and uninformative, the textbooks are outdated and irrelavant and the curriculum is messy and unstructured. bah, what have i gotten myself into. i should just have taken 4 modules this sem. see la, gei-kiang. now i bang my head and clutch my hair every morning and drift into periods of blankness in between studying. bleah. can't wait for it to be over. and i know i'm so not going to do well. but i just can't find the motivation to work at it. it's just totally not conducive.

someone's stolen my bread! pissed me off, it did. especially since i bought expensive kingsmill bread this time instead of the cheap supermarket housebrand. especially since i've only eaten from the loaf like 3 times. especially since the bread was taken from inside the sticker-sealed bread-bag inside the tied-up sainsbury plastic bag tucked all the way at the inside-most corner of the freezer drawer. and especially since i have been saving the bread for next week. if the thief (yes, this cannot be an accident) steals one more slice, i won't have enough for what i planned to eat on my 2 exam days next week. the thief must have seen me take bread from the freezer before. this is premediated crime! deserve to die! die!

there's a used condom on my corridor. i think i know whose it is. well, if you have time to have sex in the corridor, maybe you can spare a few seconds to dispose of the condom properly? how difficult can that be?! the condom packaging is on the kitchen floor. i feel a bit sad for my nice cleaner lady when she comes to work tomorrow. or maybe someone will get rid of it tonight.

i wish it would stop raining.
or maybe if the heater is turned back on, i won't mind the rain so much.

i wish i have more than 20p in coins now, because i so feel like eating chocolate from the vending machine now.
ok, but since i don't i shall just look forward to my salmon for dinner later.

finland won eurovision last night. the voting was totally biased and useless.

i saw fireworks from my window last night. nice.

radio bbc2 is very funny to listen to on saturday mornings. the djs are totally off-the-wall funny. reminds me of the class 95 morning show, only loads funnnier cos the djs are much more politically incorrect!
on sunday mornings, it's a bit too spiritual to appeal to me.

i should be getting back to work. i am so going to regret wasting time (so i want to study) but then i dread going back to work (so i don't want to study). what a dilemma! if i were a robot, i would have gone mad from this. or maybe not. i'll just do whichever task that generates a higher potential in my circuits. seeing as i'm not a robot, i'll just have to make a choice, yes?

bah. i miss my mum.

samedi, mai 20, 2006

saturated... or just sian! ><

aiyo i'm feeling bored out of my wits now even though i've studied a grand total of 2 and a half hours as of now. it's 5.30pm now by the way! yes, that is how completely productive i've been.

despite the realization
i feel no inclination to work harder!

haiz. haha. this feels like the long period of studying before i had any papers. t think this long dragged-out studying thing doesnt work for me very well. i think acute stress is better than chronic stress! haha. at least i wont have time to feel bored. and i'll prob work harder.

mmmm. let me go read stuff online.

vendredi, mai 12, 2006


For some inexplicable reason, I started feeling extremely nervous and ill-prepared for my physio paper (which I had this morning; which turned out ok, i think) yesterday. That was the first time ever that I've felt crappy about a written exam. Usually when I've finished studying, I will have this rather invincible feeling. Like, throw me a question and I WILL be able to answer you. I was just feeling like I would not be able to do the paper and so die a horrible death despite having spent the last 6 days immersed in physio. (hmm, maybe the immersion wasn't deep enough...). That was around 5-6pm, so it would have been 2am in Singapore. Which was really bad, because I so wanted to talk to someone.

So I sat around and flailed about and mildly panicked until pw came up for dinner. Then I told her and she tried to reassure me. To be exact, she told me not to be a 'kan cheong spider' like Faisal. Haha. So after dinner, I tried to relax but then tried to cram at the same time. You can see the problem there! In the end, I didn't even look at the stuff I wanted to because I went to do some online revision thing. Which turned out to be not a bad idea since what I wanted to see didn't come out anyway. Basically I went to bed with a "Crap, but too bad, I need to sleep now" feeling.

This morning, the message from my boy arrived the moment I woke up. Very good timing, I must say. And then the sun was happily shining and it was totally NOT cold. I felt a lot better, I have to say. Not the best, but not too bad.

When I reached the Royal Horticultural Halls (yes, KCL doesn't have mpsh-esque halls to hold exams in), I took a last look at stuff, exchanged pleasntries with some people I know, put my stuff in the cloakroom, went out, regretted-it-want-to-look-at-GIT-notes-forget-it-the-cloakroom-is-too-crowded-now, waited outside the hall in a trance (ok, not really in a trance) and then *drumroll* finally had the exam. Turned out the GIT part that worried me didn't come out, so that was ok. Haha.

So that ends my episode of pre-physio-exam jitters.

Actually I think this American guy, who is also on exchange, was a lot more kan cheong than I was. That the mcq sheet turned out to be different from what we were told we would get was really a minor thing. I mean, this one we got was even more convenient to use! He was worried and asked the invigilator about it. In fact, he clarified it rather extensively. But, no this was the right mcq sheet.

After the exam, the weather was (and still is) so good that I went around (and am still going around) in my racer-back top. Woot~ I like!

Now I'm wondering if I should go out for a McFlurry. Hmm... to eat or not to eat.

mercredi, mai 10, 2006


yes you can see that all the studying is getting to me...
hahaha, but these are seriously fun.
quizilla has nice long ones (with really nice anime pics!) but i cant get the codes to work properly, so well.

You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low

You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.
You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...
Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.
To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.

Your Luck Quotient: 65%

You have a high luck quotient.
More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life.
You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that.
Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.

samedi, mai 06, 2006

if brains could make noise

then my whole building will be buzzing.
but as it is, it's silent as anything though almost everyone on my floor is in.
yes, the power of examinations.